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Unlocking your door with your phone, fingerprint, or even facial recognition, may seem like something out of science fiction, but there are locks with those features on the market. 

While smart locks are certainly convenient, it’s important to be aware of the downsides. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most common issues with smart locks and why a traditional lock is often the better option.

Let’s get into it.

What is a Smart Lock?

A smart lock is a locking mechanism controlled by a digital mechanism such as a keypad, keycard, RFID signal, biometric authentication, and more. One of the most common examples of a smart lock can be found in hotels that require a keycard to open the room. 

4 Most Common Issues with Smart Locks

1 – Expensive

The main downside to smart locks is the price. Advanced smart locks can cost anywhere between $200 to $600 or even more, depending on the features you require. 

Simple smart locks with an automatic locking mechanism or a keypad, tend to be a bit cheaper. On the other hand, smart locks that have a list of security features like alarms, cameras, biometric authentication, wireless access, and whatnot, can cost a pretty penny. 

On top of that, installing a smart lock requires a specialized locksmith, which requires a separate fee. Smart locks require much more effort and time to install when compared to traditional locks. 

2 – Dependent on Electricity and Wireless Technology

Most smart locks are powered by electricity and wireless technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. 

Even though it’s rare for the power grid to shut down and cut power to your home, it is a risk you should prepare for. Without power, your lock won’t function, and you will be locked out of your own home. On that note, some smart locks use internal batteries for these situations.

Another factor to consider is your phone’s battery. Many smart locks can only be unlocked via an app on your phone. What happens when your phone’s battery dies and you can’t access the app?

3 – Prone to Malfunctions

As with most electronics, smart locks are prone to malfunctions. It’s particularly common for smart locks that require Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to experience connectivity issues. Wireless technologies are prone to all kinds of interference and even cyber-attacks. 

For example, another Bluetooth device like a phone, Bluetooth speaker, or even a TV, could be attempting to pair with your smart lock, blocking your phone from the connection.

The last thing you want to wake up to is your lock unlocking for seemingly no reason. For peace of mind, homeowners often disable the wireless features on their smart locks. 

4 – Limited Lifespan

As with most electronics, smart locks don’t have a very long lifespan. Most smart locks need to be replaced every few years. There are a host of issues that can go wrong with electronic locks, like power surges shorting a fuse, wires breaking, batteries rupturing, liquid damage, and many others.

In comparison, a traditional lock will last for as long as the metal and gears continue to operate, which is usually 20 or more years. Traditional locks also suffer from degradation but the key will degrade faster than the locking mechanism, and replacing a key is easy.

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